We study how the immune system protects our lives – from cancer; - from bacteria; from viruses including HIV. We also study how we can induce immune tolerance to transplanted organs without global immune suppression. Immunology is a basic science, however, our discoveries have immediate applications to medicine. Based on our discoveries we design and sponsor immunotherapy trials and conduct them together with oncologists. Our faculty members have founded three startup Biotechnology Companies, one with successful IPO in 2013 based on University/M&I research. In 2012, M&I based research resulted in FDA approval of an antibody that is highly successful for treatment of late-stage Hodgkin lymphoma. M&I faculty have submitted during the last decade 63 invention disclosures and received 21 U.S. and international patents. Our faculty has been among the 10 top NIH-funded Immunology Departments – however with declining federal research budgets, we need and would appreciate your support to continue strong.