’Canes Unite kicks off to help alumni find connections where they live and work

This fall, ’Canes Communities around the country are hosting events where new or newly relocated alumni can connect with each other and strengthen their links with their alma mater.
canes unite

Each fall, ’Canes Communities around the country unite to reconnect with each other and to welcome University of Miami alumni who are new to their respective areas. These alumni, whether freshly graduated or newly relocated, or both, can begin building their professional networks in their new hometowns, find mentorship or volunteer opportunities, or simply connect socially with like-minded ’Canes.

This year, 16 ’Canes Communities in the United States, including one in Colombia, are planning ’Canes Unite gatherings throughout September (see map, below).

For Patricia A. Whitely, senior vice president for student affairs and alumni engagement, the ’Canes Unite events serve an important purpose in strengthening the global Hurricane family. 

“’Canes Communities play such a vital role in keeping the Miami Hurricane spirit present in our daily lives,” Whitely said. “I had the pleasure of attending a ’Canes Community event while at a professional conference last April. It was invigorating to be around exceptional alumni and share the ’Canes spirit while away from Miami and I look forward to attending many more of these kinds of events.”

canes unite map

For Isaac Attuah, B.S. ’22, who attended the Atlanta ’Canes Community welcome event last year, this engagement helps him to “stay grounded,” connecting him with people who are striving towards similar goals and motivated by ideals nurtured during their time at the U.

In this case, that means supporting the continued success of the University of Miami and helping Atlanta ’Canes raise more scholarship support for students from the Atlanta area. Since getting involved, he says his ’Canes network has inspired him to pay it forward: “It’s a constant reminder that we can always give back to the school for everything that we gained during that time.”

Find a ’Canes Unite event near you.

Learn how ’Canes Communities keep alumni connected all year long.