Leverage the power of connections with Cane2Cane

University of Miami alumni representing more than 60 industries and professions are part of Cane2Cane, the Toppel Career Center’s career network, exclusively for alumni, students, and friends of the U.
Leverage the power of connections with Cane2Cane

Want to expand your career network? Looking to switch careers and need new connections? New to the workforce and looking for a mentor, or interested in being a mentor?

The Toppel Career Center at the University of Miami has the solution: Cane2Cane, a career networking platform that connects University of Miami alumni and students with each other to explore career paths, prepare for their next career move, and expand their networks. More than 2,800 alumni, faculty, and friends of the U, collectively representing more than 60 professions and industry sectors, have joined the platform, along with more than 2,300 students.  

Cane2Cane offers an interactive space and personalized experience that enables alumni, students, and other members of the ’Cane family to interact seamlessly for career coaching, opportunities, and networking. The platform features direct-message capability, as well as a focused and goal-oriented homepage supporting members with their chosen goals within the platform.

To get started, you can choose from one of the following options to customize your experience: 

When you join Cane2Cane as an alumnus/a, you can expand your career network as you connect with fellow ’Canes and other professionals in the cities, professions, industries, and affiliations that interest you. And, when you’re ready to give back to the ’Cane community by helping others on the platform, you can share your career journey and advice with University of Miami students and alumni who are seeking a short- or long-term connection to gain insight into different industries and career paths.

As you build your profile, a series of prompts enables you to share the steps of your career journey—not just your job titles, but also how you got (or why you left) a role, how your network and/or mentors helped you, what you learned from the experience, how your college major influenced your career, and much more.

Chris Morgan, B.S.B.A. ’14, is among the young alumni who have found Cane2Cane both rewarding and beneficial. “C2C has furthered my personal journey by affording me the opportunity to use my skills and experience to give back to the community that helped to make me successful,” he said.

Students who have joined the platform are equally enthusiastic. Gayathri Samuel, a senior majoring in business law and finance at the Patti and Allan Herbert Business School, credits the connections she made on Cane2Cane for jump-starting her career, saying “I’m grateful for this network of incredible alumni who are always quick to respond and provide valuable information.”

You can read more of Chris’s and Gayathri’s stories, and those of other Cane2Cane members, on the Cane2Cane blog.

Click to join Cane2Cane
Click to visit Custom Career Content at the Toppel Center